MRAI Envision Developing Its Expertise On The Govt Policy Advocacy And Data Pool

Amar Singh, Secretary General, MRAI
Amar Singh, Secretary General, MRAI

MRAI’s 9th International Material Recycling Conference is being organised in The Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi from 5th to 7th May 2022. The Session on the aspects related to Indian Recycling Industry is scheduled on 7th May 2022

Future is bright for recyclers as the Recycling industry in India is growing at a CAGR of 8-9 %. The government has worked out a growth plan with the launch of policy reforms such as Vehicle Scrappage Policy, EPR on E-waste, Plastics, Tyres, Batteries, and NITI Aayog has formulated actionable points on Circular Economy. Time is right and fertile to invest in the Indian recycling industry. Those who will miss this occasion will lose the first mover advantage.

I would use this platform to appeal to each and every member of MRAI to contribute in the developing and building the recycling industry in India with us. To do so, I welcome everyone from the industry to approach us whenever you need help with regard to trade issues, representations to ministries etc. We would love to have more interactions as it will strengthen the bond within the MRAI family.

“In the next 10 years, MRAI envision developing its technical wing to share its expertise on the matters of government, policies, representations, and suggestions, all of this while building a verified data pool among others.” Amar Singh, Secretary General, MRAI

Moving ahead, in next 10 years MRAI envision developing its technical wing to share its expertise on the matters of government, policies, representations, and suggestions, all of this while building a verified data pool among others. These developments will be managed and governed by setting up dedicated committees who will work towards achieving the said target. This will help charge MRAI and its members to work for the betterment of recycling industry in a more constructive way.

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