How centralized monitoring with network video recorder amplifies security


IP based video surveillance has made ensuring security within organizational premises far easier compared to the earlier days. The development of network video recorders has been the best solution for organizations that are now spread far and wide across the globe. For large organizations especially, keeping check on everything that goes on within the premises becomes difficult. When the premises are spread across various geographical locations, containing threatening situations may become difficult. It may especially be so for the ones that located in remote areas. Even if the office space isn’t spread across different geographies but at a single location, monitoring every department may become difficult.

These video recorders are a substantial way to centralize monitoring of every location from a single location. We already know how important security is for enterprises today. So how will centralized monitoring make it any better? Well, let us go through the finer details to answer this query.

NVR basically records the video streams from cameras and projects them onto a monitor screen for security personnel to check. Coming to the point of how centralized monitoring can help amplify security, here’s how. The recorders, which are laden with technologically advanced features, help enhance the security of an organization’s premises

This is one feature that plays a major role in making centralized monitoring a reality. It allows connection of multiple NVRs with a single recorder, paving way for centralized monitoring. In all you can connect to 20 recorders with, one following the Master Slave Architecture. With this arrangement, the head office has control and glimpse into the happenings at every location.

Adaptive Recording
At times, in cases of mishaps it may so happen that the key piece of evidence is lost due to less storage space. The video recorders, with its feature Adaptive Recording record and stream the critical/important areas in a scene in high quality compared to the rest of the scene. This takes up less storage space and hence, makes it easy to store important recordings for a longer period of time.

Three Levels of Authorization

When we talk about security in context to organizations, it is not just about employees and physical assets of the company. Data is just as important to any organization as are its employees and the physical assets. With the option of defining three authorization levels can data can be secured more efficiently. The three levels are Administrator, Operator and User. At the Administrator level one can make decisions regarding who can view and make changes, and who can only view the camera recordings. At the Operator level, the user is allowed to view as well as make necessary modifications. At the User level, one is only allowed to view the recordings. This also allows organizations to restrict access of camera recordings and select who can be given access to what extent.

Real-time Notifications
One of the most important features of a network video recorder that ensures security is real-time notifications. This feature helps especially in times of emergencies. In case of a mishap, the respective authority can be informed and alerted in real-time. Such proactive security measures can help prevent miscreants from carrying out their deed. This is even easier if the respective authorities have the mobile app for remote surveillance. This gives them the advantage of alerting the concerned person even while being absent from the actual location. They can call the person directly from their mobile app.

TCP Based Health Status
When you’re relying on your surveillance system for ensuring security within the organizational premises, it is important to have all the cameras in working condition. If something does go wrong, it is likely that the glitch will only be known about at the time of need. However, with the TCP communication protocol in place, an eye can be kept on the health status of the cameras. Notifications upon fault in any of the cameras can immediately be sent even is less than 5kbps.

Hence, as we can see, NVR plays an important role when it comes to amplifying security in the organization. Its features ensure that maintaining security becomes easy for the respective personnel of the organization.

A network video recorder, with its advanced features, can help centralize monitoring and enhance security of an organization

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