Imperatives to Ensure Fire Safety in Buildings

Article by - P.K. Balasubbramaniian


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Common fire hazards are found in most occupancies and are not associated with any special occupancy. Smoking, trash, electrical appliances, storage, and heating are common to most occupancy types. However, smoke-free workplaces are making smoking a less common problem. Special fire hazards are linked to some specific process or activity in particular occupancies. Chemicals, spray painting, welding, combustible dusts, and flammable liquids are examples of special fire hazards. The first part of the module starts with ignition sources, covers the heat hazards, and finishes with the fuel hazards. The handling and storage of combustibles and use or misuse of ignition sources create a nearly infinite variety of hazardous conditions.

Electrical Hazards

Electrical problems are a major cause of fires. Electrical service is present in almost all structures. By observing a common toaster, you can see easily that there is plenty of energy available to cause a fire. However, if properly designed, installed, and maintained, electrical systems are both convenient and safe; otherwise they may be responsible for both fire and injury. When an electric circuit carrying current is interrupted intentionally or unintentionally, arcing or heating is produced. Fire protection standards attempt to prevent arcing and heating, and accidental contact which may cause electric shock.

Electrical Fires Electrical fires can be divided into three categories. The first category consists of fires started by worn-out or “tired” electrical equipment. These cause the largest percentage of electrical fires. Examples include worn out or dirty electric motors and deteriorated insulation. The second category of electrical fires is caused by improper use of approved equipment. The most commonly misused electrical equipment includes electric motors, overloaded cords, and improper use of heating appliances. The third cause of electrical fires is an accidental occurrence or operator error such as clothes left in contact with lamps, items dropped into electric equipment, heating equipment left on, or defective installations.

There are also other sources of ignition. These are heating, open flame, smoking, static electricity, etc. Hazards can also occur due to handling, using and storing materials.

Building Design & Fire Safety

Fire safety is a fundamental consideration in building design and management, but unfortunately, this is something often overlooked.

Assess fire safety measures in your built environment with the help of this checklist:

1. Provide adequate means of escape

The first rule of fire management requires sufficient escape routes out of the building, in accordance with its scale and occupancy. The number, size and location of exits are specified in the National Building Code (NBC) 2005, a detailed set of guidelines for constructing, maintaining and operating buildings of all types. Office occupiers must additionally ensure that staircases, stairwells and corridors are well-maintained, ventilated and free of obstacles in order to be effective in an emergency.

Open spaces in buildings play a crucial role in fire management. As P.D. Karguppikar, joint chief fire officer of the Mumbai Fire Brigade, remarked after the terrorist attacks on 26/11: “The atrium in the old wing of the Taj (hotel) allowed heat to dissipate, and prevented collateral damage to other floors from the fire on the sixth floor.”

2. Outline clear pathways to exit doors

Getting to exits is as important as providing enough exits. NBC guidelines specify the maximum distance a person must travel in order to access a fire exit, and the importance of photo-luminescent signage to enable evacuation at night. Refuge areas such as terraces are critical for high-rises where people can safely congregate, when asked to leave the building in phases.

3. Install smoke detection systems

The first few minutes of a fire are crucial in containing it. Automatic fire alarm systems such as smoke and heat detectors are mandatory elements in international building codes, and particularly useful in spotting fires during times when occupancy in the building is low.

4. Maintain smoke suppression systems

Fire extinguishers are only useful if they work, so check them regularly. High-rise buildings, which are harder to access and evacuate, should consider installing automatic sprinkler systems. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), a US-based non-profit body, estimates that automatic suppression systems lower the cost of damage by 60%. Karguppikar endorses their use, admitting that “the fire in one of the rooms on the 18th floor of the Oberoi was extinguished by its sprinkler system and it was an eye-opener for all of us”.

5. Conduct regular fire drills
Preventing panic in an emergency is as important as staying away from flames and fumes. Regular fire drills familiarize people with emergency evacuation methods at little cost. Nominate a fire safety officer in every building to ensure that this becomes a standard operating procedure.

6. Use flame-retardant materials in interiors

Materials used in the interiors can save or endanger lives. The combination of wood, paper and textiles makes workstations highly combustible. Fabrics can be made flame-retardant, however, so that they self-extinguish when lit. An increasing number of companies, especially multinationals, request such fabrics despite their price premium, according to data from Indian office furniture manufacturer BP Ergo. Stringent fire regulations abroad make it necessary for US furniture makers such as Herman Miller to provide only fire-tested fabrics.

Doors are also assigned a fire-resistance rating, measuring how long they can remain resistant to excessive temperatures and flames without collapsing. Karguppikar lauds the construction of the fire-treated doors in the Taj, which allowed several rooms to stay insulated for hours despite a raging fire just outside.

Common fire hazards


7. Make your office accessible to firefighters

Grilled windows are a widespread urban phenomenon, and Jairaj Phatak, commissioner, Brihanmumbai Municipal Corporation (BMC), wittily observes that “residents who have grills on their windows presume that only thieves are kept out, and not firefighters”. Occupants of offices in residential buildings with few exits should be wary of locking themselves into confined spaces.

8. Keep the building plans handy

The tragedy at the Taj was heightened by the lack of buildings plans to guide rescue agencies. It is imperative to make multiple copies of your building plan available, especially during an emergency.

9. Ask the local fire brigade to assess safety

Fire departments, for a nominal fee, will independently assess your building’s level of fire safety. Storage of hazardous or inflammable materials, old and unstable structures, inadequate escape routes or electricity overloads are potential death traps that are best assessed by professionals.

10. Comply with National Building Code

“Green buildings” are in vogue but safe structures are sadly not. Both the Mumbai Fire Brigade and BMC commissioner concede that 80% of buildings likely violate accepted codes of building safety, with ignorance and personal whims leading to illegal modifications after gaining requisite occupancy permission.

The Delhi Fire Brigade is legally authorized to seal unsafe structures; its Mumbai counterpart hopes to be similarly empowered soon.

[The author acknowledges use of reference materials from authentic sources in preparing this article.]