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Video Surveillance – Beyond Security Part I

Video Surveillance - Kiron Kunte

The primary goal of any department store’s security system is loss prevention. Video surveillance goes a long way in preventing theft and protecting a store’s assets, while also providing safety for its customers and employees.

Retailing today is a tough business and store owners face many challenges. The most obvious of these are theft and inventory shrinkage which cut into the stores’ profits. Retail surveillance using network video solutions offers an excellent means to prevent shrinkage/pilferage. By deterring crime, it reduces losses and creates a safer environment for staff and customers.

Retail analytics already available in surveillance technologies include a variety of functions, such as hotspot detection and facial recognition. Retailers can use this to gain insight into areas like customer age and in-store behaviour.

Video Surveillance - Kiron Kunte

Video surveillance systems are now essential in a retail environment.
A digital surveillance system doesn’t just protect the business, it provides a host of beneficial side effects that more than offset the cost of the initial investment.

Benefits – beyond security.

Employees feel safer

The surveillance system is reassuring. Employees know that they shouldn’t confront someone dangerous because the suspicious and/or illegal activity will be recorded by the surveillance system. It is a fact that when employees feel safer they are more productive and are able to focus on providing excellent customer service.

Further the surveillance system acts as a deterrent to potential criminals. They are less likely to take the risk of doing something illegal in the first place.

Video Surveillance - Kiron Kunte

Continuous surveillance

With cameras providing continuous surveillance coverage, department stores can be monitored and protected from break-ins and theft even after working hours.

Loss prevention Security cameras help cut down on shrinkage / pilferage by acting as a deterrent, and by spotting suspicious activity as it happens. When an act of shoplifting is observed on camera, security staff can be quickly deployed to the scene.

Crime investigation

Recorded footage provided by the surveillance cameras is extremely useful for investigation of crimes and for suspect identification. It also reduces the time taken to investigate an incident.

Prevent employee theft

Employee theft is an unfortunate fact in retail stores. It is an enormous problem. The presence of video surveillance cameras deters such activity and captures visual evidence of workers in the act of stealing from their employers.

Provide customer service information

Customer service is a big deal for department stores which need to provide a welcoming atmosphere that will bring shoppers back again and again. A video surveillance system allows store managers to monitor employee behaviour and to make sure that customers are being treated properly.

Monitor customer activity

Surveillance cameras provide information that is helpful for store planning.

They help store owners

  • manage queues
  • count people
  • monitor flow control
  • measure dwell time

This information supports the development of better store layouts – via heat mapping and dwell time applications. The flow of customers can determine the store’s interior layout.

Remote monitoring

IP surveillance systems enable remote viewing. It is possible to monitor the workplace from a remote location; not only for security, but for enhanced employee productivity too. Typically, when the boss is around, employees are more productive. With remote monitoring the Boss is able to keep an eye on activity even when far away from the store. It also enables the Boss to identify issues that need to be addressed.

Kiron Kunte
Mr. Kiron Kunte

About Author
Kiron Kunte has over 35 years of design and solutions experience, in Security, Telephony and Networking infrastructure. He is a graduate of IIT Bombay, a Fellow of the Institute of Engineers and has a post-graduate diploma, from Bombay University, in Systems Management. He is professionally certified in the design and engineering of Data Centres, IP Telephony, Video surveillance and Structured Cabling solutions. He heads Norik Konsult, a practice that offers advisory, design and system planning help to upgrade or build a new Telephony, Security and Networking infrastructure.

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